How to Run an Instagram Giveaway, Sweepstakes, Contest

Looking to run a giveaway on Instagram? We’ve got you covered!

Let Votigo be your one-stop show for your next Instagram Sweepstakes or Contest.

1. Define Your Goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your Instagram Giveaway, such as increasing followers, engagement, or brand awareness.

2. Choose a Relevant Prize: Select a prize that resonates with your audience and is relevant to your brand.

3. Set the Rules:

  – Eligibility: Specify who can enter (e.g., age, location). Make sure to comply with local laws and Instagram’s promotion guidelines.

   – Entry Requirements:

     – Follow: Participants must follow your Instagram account.

     – Like: Ask participants to like the giveaway post.

     – Comment: Require participants to comment on the Instagram post, such as by answering a question or tagging friends. Specify how many friends they should tag.

     – Tagging Friends: Encourage participants to tag friends in the comments to increase reach. Clarify if there are limits to the number of tags.

Find our about running a Sweepstakes on Instagram

     – Hashtag: Create a unique and memorable hashtag for the Instagram giveaway. Participants must use this hashtag in their posts or stories.

     – Share: Optionally, ask participants to share the Instagram post to their stories for additional entries.

   – UGC Content Submission: If applicable, participants may need to submit original content, such as photos or videos, using the giveaway hashtag.

   – Privacy: Inform participants that their profiles need to be public for the duration of the giveaway for their entries to be visible.

   – Duration: Clearly state the start and end dates and times for the giveaway.

4. Create a Post: Design an eye-catching giveaway post that clearly outlines the prize, entry rules, and duration of the giveaway.

5. Promote the Intagram Giveaway: Share the sweepstakes on your Instagram feed, stories, and other social media channels. Consider collaborating with influencers or partners to reach a wider audience.

6. Monitor Entries: Keep track of the entries using the chosen hashtag, comments, or any other method specified in the rules.

7. Select and Announce the Winner: Let Votigo handle the winner selection to ensure you choose the winner fairly. Announce the winner on your Instagram account and contact them directly.

8. Follow Up: Thank all participants and encourage them to stay engaged with your brand. Share the winner’s post if appropriate.

9. Analyze the Results: Evaluate the success of the giveaway by analyzing metrics like follower growth, engagement rate, and any new leads or sales generated.

10. Learn and Improve: Use the insights gained to refine your strategy for future giveaways.

Votigo Instagram Giveaways


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