New UGC Contests From Aloft Hotels & California Walnuts

Interested in engaging your customers or fans while growing your audience?  A UGC Contest is a great way to spark excitement and create awareness for your brand and products.  This past week Aloft Hotels and California Walnuts launched promotions with their unique spin on the traditional UGC Contest.

Aloft Hotels – Project: Aloft Star 2016

Aloft 2016After three successful years, the Project: Aloft Star contest is back in 2016 with new features.  Entrants can now submit 2 original songs in audio or video format.  Votigo contests can support any combination of photo, video, essay and audio entries.  Allowing users to choose their preferred entry format ensures that anyone can enter, maximizing the reach of your promotion.

California Walnuts – I Heart Walnuts Recipe Contest

WalnutsUsing a campaign specific hashtag lets your community to enter a contest or sweepstakes directly through their Instagram and Twitter accounts.  Hashtag promotions are a great way to to spread your contest virally while still creating a centralized hub to display the content.  This week California Walnuts launched their I Heart Walnuts recipe contest asking users to submit their best walnut creation via Instagram or directly on the contest site.  The promotion was embedded into their main site offering a seamless user experience while benefiting their SEO.

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