New Live Promotion Examples from LMN and Air Canada

It’s been a busy week here at Votigo, and we have two more live promotion examples to share with you! Both LMN and Air Canada have launched some cool campaigns that each take a different approach at engaging their audience and creating a unique user experience. We hope they help inspire you as you start to plan your next promotion!

The LMNies Awards Voting Campaign

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To generate buzz and drive awareness for the Network’s LMNies Awards, LMN has launched an interactive voting campaign in which fans are invited to vote for their favorite characters and moments from a series of LMN movies. Winners generated through the voting campaign will be revealed on LMN’s air on February 20th during a premiere movie event. This provides a perfect way for fans to engage with the larger LMN brand conversation, and really feel as though they are a part of the awards experience. Built on Votigo’s Enterprise Platform, this campaign features custom voter categories, social sharing and mobile responsive design.

Air Canada’s “Feel The Love” Contest

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Air Canada just launched a fun and interactive contest that’s specifically designed for their travel agent audience. Agents are incentivized to track and record their itinerary bookings for additional chances to win both daily and grand prizes. In this case, each booking equates to a heart, and every heart increases the agent’s chances of winning! Built by Votigo’s talented full-service development team, this contest features a French/English language toggle, duplicate booking number recognition and mobile responsive design.

Want to learn more about how Votigo’s solutions can go to work for your brand? Click here to chat with one of our Account Representatives.


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