Maximize Participation With Multi-Format UGC Contests

When brainstorming for their next big promotion, our clients often ask if we suggest running a photo, video or essay contest.  While each entry method has it’s own unique benefits, our Multi-Format UGC Contests empower the user to decide.

First, let’s take a look at some pros and cons for each entry type –

Photo Entries

  • Pro:  Nearly everyone has a camera phone in their pocket and are ready to take a photo at any moment
  • Con:  Given the ease at which someone can snap a quick photo, the quality of submissions may not be as high as video entries
    BB Photo

Video Entries

  • Pro:  Video entries are often the most dynamic and engaging entries
  • Con:  Some users may lack time, the know-how or tools to create a video.  This could potentially reduce the number of submissions.  The good news is that with the proliferation of smartphones with video cameras the barrier is lower than ever.
    GoPro Video


  • Essay / Text Entries

    • Pro:  By not requiring a media type, essays generally offer the lowest barrier to entry of any contest format
    • Con:  An essay contest will not include any user submitted visual content that can be aggregated or repurposed by your brand and they are not as engagingFrigo Essay






As you can see, all three forms of user-generated content entry can play a crucial role in meeting the objectives of your next promotion.  With Votigo’s Multi-Format UGC Contests, you can ensure that your users can choose how they would like to participate and ultimately maximize the engagement of your audience.


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